
Can a Dental Splint or Mouthguard Really Help with TMJ Pain?
added on: March 17, 2024

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) is a condition that affects the jaw joint and the muscles surrounding it, leading to symptoms like pain, stiffness, headaches, and difficulty in jaw movement. Many individuals suffering from TMJ pain seek effective solutions to alleviate their discomfort, oftentimes without success. However, dental splints and mouthguards… Read More…

Got a Cavity? Learn How Long Your Dental Restoration Will Last
added on: March 7, 2024

Dealing with cavities can be a pain — quite literally. The discomfort, sensitivity, and potential impact on oral health make prompt attention crucial. When faced with a cavity, one common solution is a dental restoration. Whether it’s a dental filling or another type of cavity treatment in The Woodlands, understanding… Read More…

Should You Floss Before or After Brushing? 
added on: February 21, 2024
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed - The Woodlands

You’ll always hear your dentist in The Woodlands say just how important brushing and flossing are to your oral and overall health. However, the order in which these tasks are performed can significantly impact their effectiveness. Let’s explore the proper steps to take when flossing and brushing your teeth, emphasizing… Read More…

How Prioritizing Oral Health Can Keep Your Heart Healthy
added on: February 13, 2024
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed - The Woodlands

How Prioritizing Oral Health Can Keep Your Heart Healthy As February unfolds, the month is traditionally associated with love, but it’s not just romantic hearts that deserve attention. February is also Heart Health Month, a time to shine a spotlight on the vital organ that keeps us ticking. But did… Read More…

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Teeth Cleaning
added on: February 6, 2024
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed - The Woodlands

As your trusted dentist in The Woodlands, we understand the importance of maintaining excellent oral health at home and with regular dental cleanings. After all, these professional cleanings help remove plaque and tartar and can be key to catching dental concerns early. However, many don’t know what goes on behind… Read More…

How Can I Tell if I Have a Cavity?
added on: January 22, 2024
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed - The Woodlands

When it comes to oral health, cavities are often associated with childhood, with visions of the dentist’s chair and a lollipop as a reward for bravery. However, as your dentist in The Woodlands knows, the reality is that cavities can persist into adulthood, posing an often silent threat to our dental… Read More…

How Dental Veneers Can Make Your Teeth Look Better
added on: January 11, 2024
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed - The Woodlands

As we ring in the New Year, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the past and contemplating ways to enhance our lives in the coming year. One common resolution that often tops the list is the desire for self-improvement, and what better way to start fresh than by transforming… Read More…

Ring in the New Year with These Simple Resolutions for Better Oral Health
added on: January 2, 2024
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed - The Woodlands

The new year is often a time of celebration as well as a time when many people decide to start fresh by taking a good look at some of the things they want to change. While this may include a new gym membership or a resolution to cut back on… Read More…

A Guide to Managing Sugar Intake for Healthy Holiday Teeth
added on: December 18, 2023
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed - The Woodlands

The holiday season is synonymous with joy, festivities, and, unfortunately, a whole lot of sweet treats. While indulging in delicious desserts and sugary delights is a tempting tradition, it’s essential to be mindful of the impact excessive sugar consumption can have on your oral health. Maintaining a healthy balance during… Read More…

What Your Gum Measurements Say About Your Oral Health
added on: December 14, 2023
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed - The Woodlands

When it comes to oral health, we focus on the state of our teeth – brushing, flossing, and visiting your dentist in The Woodlands regularly. However, another crucial aspect of oral hygiene that deserves attention is the health of our gums. Dentists use specific measurements to assess the condition of your… Read More…

5 Ways to Protect Your Teeth During Illness
added on: December 4, 2023
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed - The Woodlands

As winter settles in, bringing with it the usual array of sniffles, coughs, and fevers, it’s crucial to be mindful of your oral health amidst the seasonal health challenges. From December through February, the cold and flu season peaks, and even though your primary concern may be to recover quickly,… Read More…

The Essential Role of Flossing in Your Oral Hygiene Routine
added on: November 21, 2023
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed

When you visit your dentist in The Woodlands, you may have found yourself asking, “Do I really need to floss?” After all, you diligently brush your teeth twice a day, every day, so how significant can flossing be? The truth is, flossing is an integral part of any home oral… Read More…

What Is TMJ Disorder?
added on: November 14, 2023
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ or TMD) is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide, causing pain, discomfort, and difficulty in everyday activities like eating and speaking. However, TMJ disorder can often be confusing, and patients dealing with the symptoms may have trouble finding a diagnosis and relief. That’s where… Read More…

4 Oral Health Things To Keep In Mind As We Age
added on: November 6, 2023
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed

As we journey through life, we all hope to maintain our radiant smiles and strong teeth. But the reality is that oral health can change as we age, and more often than not, we need extra support from our trusted dentist in The Woodlands to keep our smiles in tip-top shape…. Read More…

Does Purple Toothpaste Really Whiten Teeth or Is It Just Color Theory?
added on: October 25, 2023
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed

Purple toothpaste has taken the oral care market by storm in recent years, promising to not only clean your teeth but also whiten them. But is it just a gimmick, or can it actually transform the color of your teeth? While your dentist in The Woodlands will always recommend a… Read More…

Good Dental Habits May Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer
added on: October 13, 2023
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and when most people think about reducing the risk of breast cancer, they think about maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, and routine breast examinations. However, your dentist in The Woodlands has some news about how taking care of your teeth may reduce the risk… Read More…

5 Tips to Overcome Dental Anxiety 
added on: October 2, 2023
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed

Dental fear or anxiety is a common issue that affects millions of people worldwide. The fear of dental procedures can prevent individuals from seeking essential oral care, leading to deteriorating dental health which can even affect overall health. However, overcoming dental anxiety is possible with the right strategies, support, and… Read More…

Be Prepared for Dental Emergencies with a Dental First Aid Kit
added on: September 28, 2023
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed

When it comes to first aid, most people think of being able to provide care for cuts, bruises, and broken bones. However, it’s equally important to be prepared to care for dental emergencies. A dental first aid kit can be a lifesaver (or rather, a tooth-saver) in times of oral… Read More…

Gum Recession: Causes, Treatment & Prevention
added on: September 18, 2023
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed

Maintaining good oral health is essential for a confident smile and overall well-being. But that doesn’t mean dental problems can’t happen. One common dental concern that many individuals face is gum recession. Gum recession occurs when the gum tissue surrounding the teeth wears away, exposing the tooth’s roots. This can… Read More…

Oral Health and the Risk of Alzheimer’s
added on: September 6, 2023
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed

Maintaining good oral hygiene is a practice ingrained in our daily routines, from brushing and flossing to regular dental check-ups with your dentist in The Woodlands. But did you know that your oral health can affect more than just your smile? Recent research has uncovered a surprising link between oral… Read More…

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