General & Preventive Dentistry

The Truth About Sports Drinks and Oral Health
added on: July 25, 2024

Sports drinks are popular among athletes and active individuals, but many people don’t realize how these beverages can affect their teeth. While sports drinks can help replenish electrolytes lost during physical activity or hot summer days, they can also threaten oral health. How Do Sports Drinks Affect Teeth? Sports drinks… Read More…

Why Are My Teeth Starting To Look Transparent?
added on: July 22, 2024

Have you ever looked in the mirror and noticed that your teeth are starting to look transparent or see-through? If so, you might wonder why this is happening and what you can do about it. Teeth that appear transparent can be a sign of underlying dental issues. Let’s explore some… Read More…

Should You See Your Dentist for Bad Breath? 
added on: June 24, 2024

Halitosis, commonly known as bad breath, can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. However, it’s often a treatable condition with the proper dental care. If you’re dealing with persistent bad breath, your dentist in The Woodlands has the right tips and tools to help you solve the problem. Understanding the Causes of… Read More…

Navigating Dental Health in Your Senior Years
added on: May 15, 2024

Maintaining dental health becomes increasingly important as we age. Changes in our oral environment, often influenced by general health conditions and medications, can significantly impact our dental status. Understanding these changes is crucial for preserving dental health and the overall quality of life for seniors. How Does Aging Affect Dental… Read More…

What is Oral Surgery? 
added on: April 26, 2024

Oral surgery encompasses a wide range of procedures aimed at diagnosing and treating conditions affecting the mouth, jaw, face, and neck. While one of the most common procedures that fall under oral surgery is wisdom teeth, oral surgery could also range from corrective jaw surgery to complex tooth extractions. Even… Read More…

What is Same-Day Dentistry?
added on: April 21, 2024

In today’s fast-paced world, convenience and efficiency are paramount in almost every aspect of life – including healthcare. When it comes to dental care, patients are increasingly seeking solutions that fit into their busy schedules without sacrificing quality. This demand has given rise to the concept of same-day dentistry, a… Read More…

Can I Replace Silver Fillings with Tooth-Colored Ones?
added on: April 16, 2024

For years, silver amalgam fillings have been the go-to solution for treating cavities. However, with advancements in dental technology and increasing concerns about the visibility of silver fillings, many patients are now considering alternatives such as tooth-colored fillings. But are they a suitable replacement?  Understanding Tooth-Colored Fillings Tooth-colored fillings, also… Read More…

How Often Do I Need Dental X-Rays? 
added on: March 29, 2024

Maintaining optimal oral health goes beyond just brushing and flossing; regular dental check-ups play a crucial role in preventing and addressing potential issues. One integral aspect of these check-ups is dental X-rays. But how often should you get dental X-rays and why are they such an important part of your… Read More…

Can a Dental Splint or Mouthguard Really Help with TMJ Pain?
added on: March 17, 2024

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) is a condition that affects the jaw joint and the muscles surrounding it, leading to symptoms like pain, stiffness, headaches, and difficulty in jaw movement. Many individuals suffering from TMJ pain seek effective solutions to alleviate their discomfort, oftentimes without success. However, dental splints and mouthguards… Read More…

Got a Cavity? Learn How Long Your Dental Restoration Will Last
added on: March 7, 2024

Dealing with cavities can be a pain — quite literally. The discomfort, sensitivity, and potential impact on oral health make prompt attention crucial. When faced with a cavity, one common solution is a dental restoration. Whether it’s a dental filling or another type of cavity treatment in The Woodlands, understanding… Read More…

Should You Floss Before or After Brushing? 
added on: February 21, 2024
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed - The Woodlands

You’ll always hear your dentist in The Woodlands say just how important brushing and flossing are to your oral and overall health. However, the order in which these tasks are performed can significantly impact their effectiveness. Let’s explore the proper steps to take when flossing and brushing your teeth, emphasizing… Read More…

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Teeth Cleaning
added on: February 6, 2024
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed - The Woodlands

As your trusted dentist in The Woodlands, we understand the importance of maintaining excellent oral health at home and with regular dental cleanings. After all, these professional cleanings help remove plaque and tartar and can be key to catching dental concerns early. However, many don’t know what goes on behind… Read More…

How Can I Tell if I Have a Cavity?
added on: January 22, 2024
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed - The Woodlands

When it comes to oral health, cavities are often associated with childhood, with visions of the dentist’s chair and a lollipop as a reward for bravery. However, as your dentist in The Woodlands knows, the reality is that cavities can persist into adulthood, posing an often silent threat to our dental… Read More…

How Dental Veneers Can Make Your Teeth Look Better
added on: January 11, 2024
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed - The Woodlands

As we ring in the New Year, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the past and contemplating ways to enhance our lives in the coming year. One common resolution that often tops the list is the desire for self-improvement, and what better way to start fresh than by transforming… Read More…

Ring in the New Year with These Simple Resolutions for Better Oral Health
added on: January 2, 2024
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed - The Woodlands

The new year is often a time of celebration as well as a time when many people decide to start fresh by taking a good look at some of the things they want to change. While this may include a new gym membership or a resolution to cut back on… Read More…

A Guide to Managing Sugar Intake for Healthy Holiday Teeth
added on: December 18, 2023
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed - The Woodlands

The holiday season is synonymous with joy, festivities, and, unfortunately, a whole lot of sweet treats. While indulging in delicious desserts and sugary delights is a tempting tradition, it’s essential to be mindful of the impact excessive sugar consumption can have on your oral health. Maintaining a healthy balance during… Read More…

What Your Gum Measurements Say About Your Oral Health
added on: December 14, 2023
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed - The Woodlands

When it comes to oral health, we focus on the state of our teeth – brushing, flossing, and visiting your dentist in The Woodlands regularly. However, another crucial aspect of oral hygiene that deserves attention is the health of our gums. Dentists use specific measurements to assess the condition of your… Read More…

5 Ways to Protect Your Teeth During Illness
added on: December 4, 2023
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed - The Woodlands

As winter settles in, bringing with it the usual array of sniffles, coughs, and fevers, it’s crucial to be mindful of your oral health amidst the seasonal health challenges. From December through February, the cold and flu season peaks, and even though your primary concern may be to recover quickly,… Read More…

The Essential Role of Flossing in Your Oral Hygiene Routine
added on: November 21, 2023
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed

When you visit your dentist in The Woodlands, you may have found yourself asking, “Do I really need to floss?” After all, you diligently brush your teeth twice a day, every day, so how significant can flossing be? The truth is, flossing is an integral part of any home oral… Read More…

4 Oral Health Things To Keep In Mind As We Age
added on: November 6, 2023
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed

As we journey through life, we all hope to maintain our radiant smiles and strong teeth. But the reality is that oral health can change as we age, and more often than not, we need extra support from our trusted dentist in The Woodlands to keep our smiles in tip-top shape…. Read More…

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