Panther Creek

Got a Cavity? Learn How Long Your Dental Restoration Will Last
added on: March 7, 2024

Dealing with cavities can be a pain — quite literally. The discomfort, sensitivity, and potential impact on oral health make prompt attention crucial. When faced with a cavity, one common solution is a dental restoration. Whether it’s a dental filling or another type of cavity treatment in The Woodlands, understanding… Read More…

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Teeth Cleaning
added on: February 6, 2024
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed - The Woodlands

As your trusted dentist in The Woodlands, we understand the importance of maintaining excellent oral health at home and with regular dental cleanings. After all, these professional cleanings help remove plaque and tartar and can be key to catching dental concerns early. However, many don’t know what goes on behind… Read More…

The Essential Role of Flossing in Your Oral Hygiene Routine
added on: November 21, 2023
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed

When you visit your dentist in The Woodlands, you may have found yourself asking, “Do I really need to floss?” After all, you diligently brush your teeth twice a day, every day, so how significant can flossing be? The truth is, flossing is an integral part of any home oral… Read More…

Good Dental Habits May Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer
added on: October 13, 2023
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and when most people think about reducing the risk of breast cancer, they think about maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, and routine breast examinations. However, your dentist in The Woodlands has some news about how taking care of your teeth may reduce the risk… Read More…

Be Prepared for Dental Emergencies with a Dental First Aid Kit
added on: September 28, 2023
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed

When it comes to first aid, most people think of being able to provide care for cuts, bruises, and broken bones. However, it’s equally important to be prepared to care for dental emergencies. A dental first aid kit can be a lifesaver (or rather, a tooth-saver) in times of oral… Read More…

Oral Health and the Risk of Alzheimer’s
added on: September 6, 2023
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed

Maintaining good oral hygiene is a practice ingrained in our daily routines, from brushing and flossing to regular dental check-ups with your dentist in The Woodlands. But did you know that your oral health can affect more than just your smile? Recent research has uncovered a surprising link between oral… Read More…

Is There Any Cure For Dry Mouth? 
added on: August 28, 2023
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed

Dry mouth is a common, yet often-overlooked, condition that affects millions of people. While dry mouth may seem like no big deal, the truth is it can actually be pretty uncomfortable and could even cause some pretty serious oral health problems. If you’re looking for a cure for dry mouth,… Read More…

Why Do Some People Get Cavities and Others Don’t?
added on: July 5, 2023
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed

Cavities are the most common dental problem among both children and adults. But why are some individuals more prone to cavities while others seem to have naturally strong teeth and fewer dental issues? The truth is there are multiple reasons why you may get more cavities than someone else. Luckily,… Read More…

How to Deal with Tooth Sensitivity
added on: June 6, 2023
Dental Designs by Alisa Reed

Tooth sensitivity is a common dental issue that affects millions of people. It’s characterized by a sharp, sudden pain when eating or drinking hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods and beverages. Your dentist in The Woodlands understands that tooth sensitivity can be a frustrating and painful experience. That’s why we want… Read More…

The Surprising Connection Between Gum Disease & Heart Disease
added on: February 12, 2020
heart health month

Every February, we celebrate Heart Health Month to raise awareness of how we can both evaluate our risk for heart disease as well as what we can do to reduce that risk. While it may seem out of character to hear your dentist in The Woodlands talk about heart health,… Read More…